
Andreyev and Freeman Take Helm of State PBA

Peter Andreyev and Michael Freeman were sworn in as President and Executive Vice President of the 31,000 member New Jersey State PBA this morning at the May Delegates meeting.  Andreyev, a police officer from Point Pleasant Beach, and Freeman, a Detective from...

Health Care Price Transparency

A recent poll shows healthcare costs are voters’ top financial concern. Employer and union health plans like the one I oversee at the New Jersey State Policemen’s Benevolent Association are on the front lines of this healthcare cost crisis. Collectively, these plans...

Governor signs 20 and Out extension

Governor Murphy today signed into law legislation extending the 20 and Out benefit for 3 more years. As previously reported the bill was conditionally vetoed by the Governor to give the pension board more time to study the financial impact of the benefit. However, the...