Changes Ahead for Horizon and Hackensack Meridian Patients
Just to update everyone, today Horizon put out a notice that they will no longer have a relationship with Hackensack Meridian. We want you to all know that this is simply a negotiation tactic between the two entities. Nothing will happen in any event until July. We...
New Jersey Civil Service Commission Launches Third Year of Law Enforcement Mentoring Program
In a continued commitment to fostering diversity and inclusion within the field of law enforcement, the New Jersey Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce that applications for the 2025 Law Enforcement Mentoring Program will be accepted starting December 1,...
NJ State PBA Joins Roundtable on Hospital Price Disparities with Coalition Leaders and Elected Officials
Members of the NJ State PBA attended a round table discussion today with President Andreyev and Executive Vice President Freeman hosted by the New Jersey Coalition for Affordable Hospitals, of which the State PBA is a founding member. The event was attended by elected...
NJ State PBA Lauds Signing of Law to Protect Law Enforcement Officers
The President of the New Jersey State PBA released the following statement today on the signing of S3201/A2378 into law: We are grateful to Governor Murphy for signing this critical officer safety bill into law today. There are no circumstances where assaulting an...
Press Conference After Meeting with Law Enforcement Leaders to Discuss New Burglary Laws
Yesterday was a press conference held by Attorney General Platkin where President Andreyev and Executive Vice President Freeman were instrumental contributing to a round table discussion that will now add statutes that will lead to harsher penalties for home invasion...
State PBA President Andreyev Statement on Horizon Advertising
Click on the image above to download the PDF version
An Important Message About Police Licensing Renewals
Sisters and Brothers; Below, please find correspondence from the PTC administrator extending the deadline for licensing renewal submissions to November 1, 2024.Please share this with your members. Fraternally,Kevin C. Lyons *** Good Afternoon Everyone,As you are...
A Message from Kevin Lyons on the Continuing Fight to End the Mismanagement of Health Benefits & Their Cost
But Wait, There’s More! Well, the state pushed through the 16.3% increase despite making promises that would give us 60 days to come up with solutions. Labor took many steps to mitigate the rate increases and all were shot down by the representatives of the...
Important Information–Class 2 Service Credit Purchase
The leadership of the NJ State PBA has been working diligently with the Police and Fireman’s Retirement System to preserve the intent of and institute P.L. 2024, Chapter 54-Purchase of Credit for Service as a Class II Law Enforcement Officer. We are...
State President Peter Andreyev Testifies to Senate Judiciary Committee
TRENTON- State President Peter Andreyev testified today before the Senate Judiciary Committee today regarding juvenile crimes, car thefts and burglaries. Testimony of Peter AndreyevNew Jersey State PBAJune 13, 2024 Thank you Chairman Stack and members of the Committee...